Friday 27 February 2015

Soul mates


It's way to long since I blogged due to trying to find my purpose for life and working on my career dreams and working on my relationship and it not easy when you don't have a phone to take pictures so I guess that another reason why I was MIA.

 My partner and I will be celebrating our first year anniversary but yet it feels like we have being together for more than a decade. It's funny how to people can connect on another level, Yes we might have our arguments now and then which end up in to a huge jokes but I guess we rather have jokes then heart breaks and time out sessions. I wouldn't trade my partner for anyone else cause she all I have and all I need in my life.

I don't think anyone has ever stood by my side through all the bullshit I've experienced this past year and I appreciate her for everything she has done for me, for all the times I cried she was my shoulder, when I needed a friend she was there for me, when I was sick she healed me and when I started loosing hope in myself she gave me courage and told me everything will be fine.

She is soul mate and I am so glad that I finally found my person, my soul mate, my best friend and my lover.

Sunday 18 January 2015

What your sense of style

Style Style Style

We all got our own sense of style, Majority of us copy the latest celeb style but I mean what's the point in trying look like some one else!

So my topic today is what your sense of style, is basically about what is your personal style.
I thought I'd share a image of my personal style.

Cheeky shorts are my favourite item at the moment cause you can rock them any where any time.

Always do what you afraid to do!

Friday 16 January 2015

What is a father

Around the world in every corner everyone has a father in their life and if you a girl (you definitely a daddy's girl!.)

You can be married or have kids you will still be your father's little girl.
A father is someone who teaches you how to ride a bike, teaches you how to swim and will always be your voice of thought when needed.

A father will never close his doors on you no matter the situation, he will be your shoulder to cry on your pillow when you sick cause it's his duty to make his little girl happy.

A father is not always your biological father. He could be your grandfather a uncle but the best father in this whole entire world is the man above!

My father figure will always be my grandfather

      Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves

Thursday 15 January 2015

Being a model

When we watch fashion television or music video's and think that it is easy being a model and that majority of us as teenagers think we can be models cause it seems so easy.
Well ladies it is definitely not!

Speaking from experience, I've being in the modelling industry for about 5 years and every Video or show I've done was hard work. Especially when it comes to music videos it just get more difficult, cause you have to drive to the location of the next set and making sure you dress and ready under 5 minutes. The making of a music video can take up to 12 hours or 2 days depending on how many sets there are.

I've seen the good and the bad of being behind the scenes, From cat fights to thefts (yes it gets nasty) and all other types of behaviour which bring out the ugly in many models.

Modelling is about having fun and enjoying the experience even thou it's a difficult profession.

We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

My 2 year Anniversary

It will be exactly 2 years in Johannesburg for me. It's being a difficult 2 years but I am a strong will person who doesn't give up.

I am proud of the person I've become but I am not where I want to be. I still got a lot of things to mark off my bucket list, which I will accomplish by the end of this year.

Through my journey for success and independence I've lost  many good friends and loved ones but all my struggles didn't have me running back home it just made me more wise.

So for 2015 it all about accomplishing dreams and making good memories with the people who stuck by my side.

 Quote of the day:
"Don't look for the light to show the way. Become the light and lead the way."

Tuesday 13 January 2015

My favourite hygiene items for SUMMER

I'm definitely feeling summer and being a lady it's a must to stay fresh and clean through out the day.
So my favourite hygiene items are dove products, not only do I feel clean and fresh I also smell amazing the whole day.

I suggest dove to all ladies it a must have!

Dove comes in different products for your every day needs.
My favourite item's are Dove roll on and Dove soap.
What's is your favourite item's at the moment?

Saturday 10 January 2015

Crunchy 2 veggie salad with feta

It's the weekend and most of us will either eat out or make sandwiches (easy way out) or we will call the pizza guy just so we don't have to enter the kitchen.

Then there are people like me who will rather be creative and make something easy. So since yesterday was Friday and I felt like a easy salad, when I say easy I mean chop chop in a bowl and serve.

My main ingredients is Tomato's and Cucumber (That's it!) I just cut up half a cucumber in thin slices and 1 tomato in big chunks add it in a bowl and just put a little olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice and salt and pepper for seasoning. Then last was my feta, Oh yes and I also put some sweet basil that was dry.

It like my very own restaurant salad